ALL studio class listings now at MAKESPACEWORKSHOP.COM!! NEW Special Clay website coming soon!!
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Open Handbuilding (Adults) 4/4, 4/11, 4/18


Tuesdays 6-9 PM
4/4, 4/11, 4/18

This 3 week workshop is for students who have already taken a class at the studio or have prior handbuilding experience. There will be no project prompts only teacher assistance, this is a class to work on whatever your imagination has been cooking up! Students have access to a slab roller, handheld extruder gun for coils, an array of basic handbuilding tools, shape cutters, templates, slump molds, texture tools and alphabet stamps. Students will recieve 8 lbs. of clay and will have the option to buy more by the lb. at a price that includes glazes + firing. We do not fire outside clay at the studio. The first week will be wet clay work, which will be bisque fired by the second class. The second class students are encouraged to glaze a portion of their work from the first week to test the studio underglazes and glazes, as well as continue with more wet clay work. The third and final week will be dedicated solely to glazing. Glazes are included in class cost, but students may bring in commercial cone 5 glazes with labeling in-tact if they wish. All work will be ready for pickup in approx. 2 weeks.

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